Policy & Resources Committee


Agenda Item 86

Date of meeting 1st December 2022



Labour Group Amendment


Progress update against Corporate Key Performance Indicators, Strategic Risks and Annual Governance Statement actions Quarter 2 2022/23

That the relevant changes are made to the recommendations as shown below in strikethrough and bold italics:


That committee

2.1      That P&R Committee note the progress made in relation to Corporate KPIs, particularly the corrective measures outlined for ‘red’ and ‘amber’ indicators included in Appendix 2 and provide support and challenge to lead officers to bring performance back on track.

2.2      That P&R Committee note the council’s current Strategic Risks linked to the committee as outlined in Appendix 3 and provide support and challenge to Risk Owners in managing these risks.

2.3      That P&R Committee note progress against Annual Governance Statement (AGS) actions as monitored by Directorate Plans included in Appendix 4.

2.4       That P&R Committee requests the Chief Executive, as Head of Paid Service, provides a detailed report back to this committee on the specific support and challenge they are providing to progress performance in relation to:

·         Housing repairs

·         Refuse collection

·         EHCP (Education, Health & Care Plans)

·         Safeguarding Adults

Proposed by: Cllr Allcock                                                  Seconded by: Cllr Yates

Recommendations to read, if carried:


That committee

2.1      That P&R Committee note the progress made in relation to Corporate KPIs, particularly the corrective measures outlined for ‘red’ and ‘amber’ indicators included in Appendix 2 and provide support and challenge to lead officers to bring performance back on track.

2.2      That P&R Committee note the council’s current Strategic Risks linked to the committee as outlined in Appendix 3 and provide support and challenge to Risk Owners in managing these risks.

2.3      That P&R Committee note progress against Annual Governance Statement (AGS) actions as monitored by Directorate Plans included in Appendix 4.

2.4       That P&R Committee requests the Chief Executive, as Head of Paid Service, provides a detailed report back to this committee on the specific support and challenge they are providing to progress performance in relation to:

·         Housing repairs

·         Refuse collection

·         EHCP (Education, Health & Care Plans)

·         Safeguarding Adults